USP - Universidade de São Paulo
Universidade de São Paulo

Publicações Científicas

Journal of Chromatography A

Souza, Israel Donizéti de. Lanças, Fernando Mauro. Hallak, Jaime Eduardo Cecilio. Queiroz, Maria Eugênia Costa. Fiber-in-tube SPME-CapLC-MS/MS method to determine Aβ peptides in cerebrospinal fluid obtained from Alzheimer’s patients. Amsterdam, 2024. 464913. Journal of Chromatography A, [Leia Mais]

Optical Materials

Campos, Gabriel de Oliveira. Huaman, Jose Luis Clabel. Pelosi, André Gasparotto. Silva, Leandro Olivetti Estevam da. Mastelaro, Valmor Roberto. Manzani, Danilo. Mendonça, Cleber Renato. Effect of WO3 in the third-order optical nonlinearities of tungsten lead pyrophosphate glasses. Amsterdam, [Leia Mais]


Gul, Saima. Hussain, Sajjad. Khan, Hammad. Arshad, Muhammad. Khan, Javaid Rabbani. Motheo, Artur de Jesus. Integrated AI-driven optimization of Fenton process for the treatment of antibiotic sulfamethoxazole : Insights into mechanistic approach. Oxford, 2024. 141868. Chemosphere, Oxford : Elsevier [Leia Mais]


Carneiro, Rodrigo Braz. Gomes, Gisele M.. Camargo, Franciele P.. Zaiat, Marcelo. Santos Neto, Alvaro Jose dos. Anaerobic co-metabolic biodegradation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products driven by glycerol fermentation. Oxford, 2024. p. 142006. Chemosphere, Oxford: Elsevier Ltd, v.357, [Leia Mais]

Science of the Total Environment

Fernandez-Marchante, Carmem Maria. Santos, E. Vieira dos. Souza, Fernanda de Lourdes. Martinez-Huitle, Carlos A. Rodríguez-Gómez, Alberto. Lobato, Justo. Rodrigo, Manuel Andrés. Environmental impact assessment of the electrokinetic adsorption barriers to remove different herbicides from [Leia Mais]
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