USP - Universidade de São Paulo
Universidade de São Paulo

Publicações Científicas

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

Santos, Natalia Gabrielly Pereira dos. Medina, Deyber Arley Vargas. Lanças, Fernando Mauro. Water as a green solvent for sustainable sample preparation : single drop microextraction of N‑nitrosamines from losartan tablets. Heidelberg, 2024. Inpress. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, [Leia Mais]

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

Silva, Rafael da. Cavalheiro, Eder Tadeu Gomes. Preparation, characterization, and evaluation of an acetylene black polyurethane composite electrode modified with copper nanoparticles for the determination of escitalopram. Amsterdam, 2024. p.118555. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, [Leia Mais]


Cardoso, Alessandra Timóteo. Martins, Rafael Oliveira. Lanças, Fernando Mauro. Advances and applications of hybrid graphene-based materials as sorbents for solid phase microextraction techniques. Basel, 2024. p. 3661. Molecules: a journal of synthetic organic and natural product chemistry, Basel [Leia Mais]

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering

Silva, Thiago Henrique Gomes da. Furtado, Rafaely X. de S.. Zaiat, Marcelo. Azevedo, Eduardo Bessa. Removing diclofenac, ranitidine, and simvastatin from a biologically-treated domestic sewage coupling the photo-Fenton process. Heidelberg, 2024. Inpress. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, [Leia Mais]
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