USP - Universidade de São Paulo
Universidade de São Paulo

Publicações Científicas

ACS Omega

Nascimento, Guilherme R.. B. Neto, Marionir M. C.. Silva, Juarez Lopes Ferreira da. Galvão, Breno R. L.. Influence of Co Doping on Copper Nanoclusters for CO2 Electroreduction. Washington, 2024. In press. ACS Omega, Washington: American Chemical Society, In press, 2024. Disponível em: [Leia Mais]

Journal of Water Processing Engineering

Marin, Beatriz Tavoloni. Santos, Géssica O.S. Saez, Cristina. Lanza, Marcos Roberto de Vasconcelos. Rodrigo, Manuel A.. Co-production of peroxocarbonates and hydrogen peroxide : Towards process integration in the electrochemical production of oxidants. Amsterdam, 2024. p.106492. Journal of Water [Leia Mais]

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

Sousa, Julielson dos Santos. Gusmão, Eriosvaldo Florentino. Dias, Anne Kéllen de Nazaré dos Reis. Haiduke, Roberto Luiz Andrade. Relativistic Prolapse-Free Gaussian Basis Sets of Double- and Triple‑ζ Quality for s- and p‑Block Elements : (aug-)RPF-2Z and (aug‑)RPF-3Z. Washington, 2024. In [Leia Mais]

Advances in Sample Preparation

Martins, Rafael Oliveira. Lanças, Fernando Mauro. Microextraction by packed sorbent : Introducing a novel hybrid silica-based chitosan-graphene oxide biosorbent for the evaluation of pesticides and antibiotics in food matrices. Amsterdam, 2024. p.100134. Advances in Sample Preparation, Amsterdam: [Leia Mais]
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