Industrial Crops and Products

Marinho, Victor H.S.. Holanda, Fabrício H.. Araújo, Inana F.. Jimenez, David E.Q.. Pereira, Rayanne R.. Porto, André Luiz Meleiro. Ferreira, Adriana M.. Carvalho, José C.T.. Freitas, Ana C.G. Albuquerque de. Fernandes, Caio P.. Souto, Raimundo N.P.. Ferreira, Irlon M.. Nanoparticles from silk fibroin and Amazon oils : Potential larvicidal activity and oviposition deterrence against Aedes aegypti. Amsterdam, 2023. p. 117133. Industrial Crops and Products, Amsterdam: Elsevier BV, v.203, p.117133, 2023.
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